Township Rugby

Donation Page

Donation Form

This is always the awkward part. 

Township Rugby is a 100% volunteer run, non-profit organization whose mission is to build character and athleticism while fostering sportsmanship and community through Rugby. We currently field three teams: Rookie Rugby (Flag Rugby), U12 (coed) and a U14 team. Our teams are open to anyone wanting to participate.  Our registration fees cover the cost of uniforms and to pay referees. The rest of our expenses are paid by fundraisers, sponsors and individual donations. Most of the equipment we have was donated by the coaching staff. 

Last season our U14 team won the NJ U14 state championship. We are looking to expand on that success by creating a U19 team and a women’s U14 team. Some of our players are aging out of their age group and we are looking to create a team here to keep our players local. To do this we need your help expanding our program.

Sponsorships and donations help us budget for many expenses throughout the year, including:

  • Purchasing equipment
  • Field and facility maintenance
  • Helping to keep the cost  affordable for families and provide opportunities to low-income families
  • Paying our referees and officials
  • Funding a scholarship program for players to attend camps and for future educational needs.

There are many benefits of becoming a sponsor or making a donation to our program. Here are a few:

  • Field signage opportunities at all of our home games and tournaments.
  • Recognition in our monthly email newsletter
  • Ad space in our future programs
  • Logo and link recognition on our website
  • Tax Deductions

You can donate on the website or send a check to:

        PO. Box 8274

        Turnersville, NJ 08012

If you have any questions or need any additional information please fill out the form below and we will get right back to you.

Township Rugby

Want to Join? Just clink the links below.

We are looking for players, coaches and volunteers. No experience necessary.

All coaches must complete a Megan’s Law background check with the township. It is free of charge and can be doen completely on-line.